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A Swift 4.2 VIPER Module Boilerplate Generator with predefined functions and a BaseViewProtocol.

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Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Are you new to VIPER Design Pattern? Want to Learn it But feel overwhelmed of all the files you have to create?

When you decide to use VIPER architecture in your project, it feels overwhelming to create new modules, because you need create at least 5 files for each. Imagine that you need to create 6 modules…We were suffering of this problem, and this is the reason why We’ve created this template. It’s very useful for us and I hope that it be useful for you too.

Available Generator options:

UI Ready implementation.

Generated files

This template generates all files that you need to create a new VIPER module. All generated code is Swift 3.2 & Swift 4 compatible.

The Fullname dropdown will Generate full filenames with Generic Functions.

Other Dropdown Selections With OR Without Generic Functions.

File Name Acts As Description
VYourFileNameUI.swift UIView This is where your design layout should be.
CYourFileName.swift Contract This is where all your VIPER protocols should be implemented.
VYourFileName.swift View If you use Storyboard, Link this to it and ignore UI file.
IYourFileName.swift Interactor This is what will communicate with the Data Layer and Entity.
PYourFileName.swift Presenter This is what will communicate with the View and the Interactor.
EYourFileName.swift Entity This is the Entity, It’s should be a String respresntation of your Model.
RYourFileName.swift Router This is where your routes to another views should be.

BaseViewProtocol Option.

| File Name | Acts As | Description | | :— | :— | :— | | BaseViewProtocol.swift | UIViewController | This where application wide UI Loaders OR TabBar should be. |

How to install

Using script (easy)

Only need execute this command in terminal:

sudo swift install.swift

You should be this output message:

If all it’s ok you now could find your template in Xcode.


Go to Application folder, browse to the Xcode application icon. Right-click it and choose ‘Show Package Contents’. Then browse to: Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates/Project Templates/iOS/Application and add “VIPER Module.xctemplate” file. Now you can find your template in Xcode.

Easy to use

VIPER diagram overview


VIPER Checklist

To get started easier, we’ve prepared a list of notes to make sure everything follows the VIPER’s design principle. We hope this will be useful to you also as we find it to be.

What is VIPER?

VIPER is not a framework but an approach to iOS application architecture, which stands for:


The view consists of views and view controllers. It is responsible to receive user interactions and pass them to presenters for decision making. To keep the view simple, it shouldn’t contain any view logics. This is where to define how the view looks like, and nothing beyond this.


The presenter defines the view logics, e.g. when to show a warning message or highlight a button. It is responsible to prepare content for the view to display. Whenever data is required, the presenter requests data from interactors (but not directly from the model).


The interactor mainly contains business logic, e.g. logging in the user / processing a purchase / sending a friend request. It should be independent of the UI. It only handles requests from the presenter and prepare corresponding data regardless of how the view looks like.


Entities are the model objects manipulated by an Interactor and only by the Interactor. It is simply a Struct. It is model orientated and therefore should not contain any business logic, Entity is not the Model, it’s a represntation of the Model.


Wireframe defines the routes from one screen to another. In VIPER, the responsibility for Routing is shared between the presenter and the wireframe. When the presenter receives user interactions and decided to navigate to another screen, it will use the wireframe to perform the desired navigation (to which screen and how to navigate). The wireframe can also contain transition animations.


After using VIPER, I’ve found it to be very beneficial in many ways. Let’s get back to the list of things we set out to accomplish when architecting our app to see if VIPER addresses them.

Next steps

Would you like decide what will be the next feature?



This is an open source project, so feel free to contribute.

The knowledge that I own today is because of my parents support, What I am today is because of their efforts & hardwork providing the best, Thank you Mom & Dad :heart:.
